Sunday, February 17, 2008

In search of the ideal home office

As a code designer and graphic developer, I've found myself to have acquired a geeky sort of body type. The type that encourages nice cloths and activities involving popcorn. (Not quite the type that encourages bathing suits and protein shakes.) I've also developed a nice bezier curve that makes reaching the keyboard and monitor much easier than sitting straight-backed.

Apparently I have discovered this to be more a result than a development, so I'm trying to remedy the situation. (Primarily because I keep reassuring myself that the remedy does not include giving up coffee or more money, which could be spent on coffee.)

I am currently typing this while sitting on an exercise ball with my laptop on a snack tray. (Better a laptop than pizza, eh Steve?) . The only problem I have with the current situation is that my snack tray is just a tiny amount too tall and is angled down (great for snacking, bad for typing).

Well, that and the fact that I can't easily plug in my computer speakers, so I'm stuck with the laptop's built-in speakers. They aren't bad, but a nice 2.1 set are so much better.

I'll give this a day of designing code and see how well it works.

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